The Public Services Department is responsible for all streets, lakes, dams, common property, sanitation/recycling, new home and small permits, construction inspections, and all water and sewer utilities within Hot Springs Village.
We provide maintenance and repair activities for over 468 miles of roadway including crack sealing, pavement patching, maintenance of drainage ditches within the right of ways, and culvert repair or replacement. We provide grass mowing, tree trimming/removal, snow/ice removal, and signage along our roadways.
We provide maintenance activities for all common property and lakes with associated dams within the Village.
For more information on Hot Springs Village Lakes, visit the Lakes Committee's website here.
We operate a fleet of sanitation trucks and various other pieces of equipment needed to collect household waste street side each week. We also provide household trash drop off services Monday through Friday between 9 am and 3 pm at our facility located at 218 Minorca Road for residents and visitors that may have missed their weekly sanitation pickup.
We operate one water treatment plant and a water distribution system consisting of 11 water storage tanks, 7 booster pump stations, and 380 miles of water main with associated water services.
We also operate two waste-water treatment plants, over 70 major pump stations and associated force mains, grinder tanks, and gravity sewer mains and services.
If you have an issue or request you may contact the Public Services Department via our online form below or by calling 501-922-5524 during normal business hours. If for some reason we do not answer please leave your name, contact number, email address, street address, and description of your issue or request. For water, sewer, or other issues after regular business hours you may call 501-922-1323.